Natural Oil
Natural Coconut Oil 300 ml
300 ml
It gives excellent moisture to the skin, softens it. It regulates the oil and pH balance of the skin. It prevents acne and acne formation. It evens out the skin tone.
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Natural Coconut Oil 300 ml Explanation
Natural Coconut Oil 300 ml
- It gives excellent moisture to the skin, softens it.
- It regulates the oil and pH balance of the skin.
- It prevents acne and acne formation.
- It evens out the skin tone.
- It has stain removal properties in regular use.
- It is used in makeup removal.
- It prevents wrinkles.
- It protects the skin from UV rays.
- If eaten, it strengthens the immune system.
- It accelerates fat burning.
- It can be used to lose weight because it speeds up the metabolism.
- It protects the heart and vascular health.
- If it is started to be used regularly at the beginning of varicose veins, it eases the varicose and prevents the formation of new varicose veins.
- It is used in dental care and gives whiteness to teeth.
- It is a natural deodorant.
- Used for hand and nail care.
- It adds a delicious flavor to meals.
- It is used in wound and insect bites.
Natural Coconut Oil 300 ml Properties
- T.R. Ministry of Health is registered to the product tracking system.
- Cold pressed.
- 100% pure and natural.
- Edible.
- Becomes liquid at 25 degrees and above.
- Microbiological tests have been done.
- Suitable for all skin types and children.
- Passed 5-stage hygiene checks.
- The cap, bottle and packaging have been disinfected.
- 100% recyclable environmentally friendly packaging is used.
- Produced without touching.
- Vegan and halal certified.
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